

Build, flash and analyze your own multi-core application in minutes!

ATdemo is a demonstration platform for automotive multi-core SW development. It is based on Infineon's TC275 "AURIX" multi-core processor which is widely used in the automotive industry. The ATdemo is being used by several OEMs and suppliers to help support general automotive SW development – not just for multi-core training! ATdemo comes with hardware, software, documentation and evaluation licenses.


  • Base-board with Infineon TC275, USB connector (also suitable for power-supply), reset-button, power LED and a 2x5 pin 50mil DAP2 ("JTAG") interface
  • Daughter-board ("shield") with
    • 2 CAN interfaces
    • 1 2x16 characters LCD
    • 2 push-buttons
    • 4 LEDs
  • U2C (USB to CAN interface)
  • All necessary adapters


  • Multi-core demo project including all source files
  • Simple and easy to understand/modify make-based build environment (requires perl and the free TriCore Entry Tool Chain from HighTec to be installed. Both are available as free downloads.)
  • Embedded multi-core real-time operating system "gliwOS"
  • Users can modify existing code, add their own modules, tasks or runnables and then build an executable which can be easily flashed to the ATdemo hardware using tools such as Infineon's MemTool (which is also available as a free download).
  • T1-TARGET-SW fully integrated and ready to use.
  • A Quckstart-Guide makes the first steps easy. Photos and screen-shots show how to set-up ATdemo and its environment.
  • A short and easy to understand training allows a smooth start with T1


  • An evaluation license for gliwOS which doesn't time out but is limited to being used with the ATdemo hardware
  • An evaluation license for the T1-TARGET-SW which doesn't time out but is limited to being used with the ATdemo hardware
  • A three month evaluation license for the T1-HOST-SW limited to usage with ATdemo
  • Maintenance (support and updates) for 3 months for the T1-TARGET-SW
  • Maintenance (support and updates) for the validity period of the T1-HOST-SW